자동차용 이더넷 기술

  • 이권 (이래 오토모티브 시스템(주)) ;
  • 도승선 (이래 오토모티브 시스템(주)) ;
  • 윤종호 (한국항공대학교)
  • 발행 : 2015.12.31


본고에서는 이더넷을 응용한 산업 분야 중에서 최근 활발히 개발이 진행되고 있는 자동차 내부 통신망용 자동차 이더넷 기술의 기술동향, 관련 제품 및 EMI 등에 대한 시험항목에 대하여 다룬다. 또한 관련 시장과 산업동향을 분석하였다.



  1. Charles M. Kozierok, Colt Correa, Robert B. Boatright, Jeffrey Quensnelle "Automotive Ehternet: The Definitvie Guide."
  2. Rebeca Delgado, Freescale " Ethernet Audio Video Bridging(AVB) Overview," 2013.10.
  3. Magnus Nigmann, Marco Preuss, LEONI "Challenges of one pair automotive Ethernet from the wiring harness point of view,"2013.6.11.
  4. Jean-Luc MATE, Continental, " Electronic Architecture for next Electrical Vehicle Generation," 2013.
  5. Tim Lau, Broadcom " Supporting the Standardization of Automotive Ethernet," 2013.
  6. http://ixiacom,com/blackbook, Edition 10, "Automotive Ethernet," 2014.10.
  7. https://www.ixiacom.com/sites/default/files/resources/whitepaper/ixia-automotive-ethernet-primer-whitepaper_1.pdf.
  8. Luica Lo Bello, DIEEI - University of Catania, Itlay, " Automotive communications - An Overview,"2014.11.
  9. http://www.mdstec.com/bbs/down_ir/upload/eBEST_150511.pdf.
  10. Helge Zinner, Norbert Balbierer, " Ethernet in Automotive aollications," 2010.3.
  11. Michael D.Johas Teener, AVNU " Ethernet 101 for Automotive."
  12. IEEE 802 Plenary Session," Review of main automotive EMC Test Requirements Relevant to RTPGE," pp.14-19, 2013. 7.
  13. Mehmet Tazebay(Broadcom), Stefan Buntz(Daimler AG), " A Review of Automotive EMC Environment & Test," 2014.9.10.
  14. Thomas Hogenmuller, Bosch, " 1 twisted Pair 100[C] Mbit/s Ethernet," 2014.3.
  15. John Leslie, Jaguar Land Rover, " Development of Automotive Ethernet for Vehicle infotainment Systems," 2015. 6.10.
  16. Dr. Michael Ziehensack, Elektrobit, "Automotive Ethernet-ECU Communication Architecture for Autonomous Driving,"2015.6.
  17. Stefan Singer, Freescale,"Solution, Highlights and Challenges of Ethernet AVB Solutions-FTFAUT- F0051,"2014.4.
  18. http://ww2.frost.com/, " Stratefic Outlook on Automotive Ethernet Technology in Europe and America - Ethernet Technology to open New Revenue Streams," 2013.12.
  19. http://www.ffri.jp, Monthly Research, "Trend of Next-Gen In-Vehicle Network Standard and Current State of Security."
  20. Continetal AG, " Is Ethernet the rising star for in-vehicle networks?," 2011. 07.09.
  21. Jurgen Roder, Continental, " IP/Ethernet - Next steps of pre-development," 2011.11.
  22. 김태현, Freescale, "Driving Automotive IoT and Autonomous Vehicle - Designing with Frescale seminar," 2015.8.