창의·인성교육 기반 지구과학 수업모형 제안

A Suggesting of the Earth Science Lesson Model Based on the Creativity·Character Education

  • 투고 : 2015.11.29
  • 심사 : 2015.12.21
  • 발행 : 2015.12.31


The purpose of this study was to suggest the earth science lesson model based on the creativity character education. To conduct this study, the curriculum revision in 2009 was analyzed by the causal mapping method. One after another, the creativity character education and earth system education were analyzed by the same method. Through as mentioned above, the key words which have relating concepts each other were picked out. Lastly, the key words were connected and compounded for the earth science lesson model based on the creativity character education. The model indicates that the earth science lesson based on the creativity character education requires the reconstructs of the processing and contents of the lesson. In other words, the teaching/learning must be progressed as corresponding between scientific facts and mental recognition, scientific concepts and compounding thinking skill, scientific laws and reconstructing thinking skill. In contents were reconstructed as relating to knowledge, creativity, characters and guidance counseling. The results of this study suggested the earth science lesson model based on the creativity character education needs developing and applying teaching/learning materials and managing discussing and cooperative learning.



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