General Theorem for Explicit Evaluations and Reciprocity Theorems for Ramanujan-Göllnitz-Gordon Continued Fraction

  • SAIKIA, NIPEN (Department of Mathematics, Rajiv Gandhi University)
  • 투고 : 2014.02.13
  • 심사 : 2014.08.21
  • 발행 : 2015.12.23


In the paper A new parameter for Ramanujan's theta-functions and explicit values, Arab J. Math. Sc., 18 (2012), 105-119, Saikia studied the parameter $A_{k,n}$ involving Ramanujan's theta-functions ${\phi}(q)$ and ${\psi}(q)$ for any positive real numbers k and n and applied it to find explicit values of ${\psi}(q)$. As more application to the parameter $A_{k,n}$, in this paper we prove a new general theorem for explicit evaluation of Ramanujan-$G{\ddot{o}}llnitz$-Gordon continued fraction K(q) in terms of the parameter $A_{k,n}$ and give examples. We also find some new explicit values of the parameter $A_{k,n}$ and offer reciprocity theorems for the continued fraction K(q).



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  7. N. Saikia, A new parameter for Ramanujan's theta-fucntions and explicit values, Arab J. Math. Sc., 18(2012), 105-119.
  8. N. Saikia, On modular identities of Ramanujan-Gollnitz-Gordon continued fraction, Far East J. Math. Sc., 54(1)(2011), 65-79.
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피인용 문헌

  1. New theta-function identities and general theorems for the explicit evaluations of Ramanujan’s continued fractions vol.5, pp.3, 2016,