Self-Organized Resource Allocation for Femtocell Network to Mitigate Downlink Interference

  • Sable, Smita (Sejong University, Department of Information and Communication Engineering) ;
  • Bae, Jinsoo (Sejong University, Department of Information and Communication Engineering) ;
  • Lee, Kyung-Geun (Sejong University, Department of Information and Communication Engineering)
  • Received : 2015.11.13
  • Accepted : 2015.12.11
  • Published : 2015.12.30


In this paper, we consider the femto users and their mutual interference as graph elements, nodes and weighted edges, respectively. The total bandwidth is divided into a number of resource blocks (RBs) and these are assigned to the femto user equipment (FUEs) using a graph coloring algorithm. In addition, resources blocks are assigned to the femto users to avoid inter-cell interference. The proposed scheme is compared with the traditional scheduling schemes in terms of throughput and fairness and performance improvement is achieved by exploiting the graph coloring scheme.



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