RAM (Reliability, Availability and Maintenance) has been applied to design and analysis tools which affects system's operational sustainability and its life cycle cost as RAM-c(2009 DoD). RAM-c plays also an important role to guarantee the system engineering for mission assurance. Reliability is highly related to the probability of system failure. Availability means mission capability or the condition of ready to mission. Maintenance includes both the repair to recover the system in the event of failure/unexpected breakdown and proactive maintenance to prolong the design service life of the system or machinery. It is the purpose that this paper is to analyze and conclude the objective service life of UAV. The more UAV is operated, the less the level of its reliability becomes. Repairing failures and supplying spare parts on time, system reliability could be improved up until the time over target. Applying statistical Weibull distributions, this paper suggests the analysis of the design service life and economic life of UAV based on RAM-c with operational data.