An Anslysis on the Pilot Training System for the Generation of Aviation Professionals

항공전문인력 양성을 위한 교육 시스템 개선에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2015.02.05
  • Accepted : 2015.12.10
  • Published : 2015.12.31


Recently due to shortage of pilots from aviation developed countries such as America, Japan and etc, not even regional airlines but also major airlines are facing difficulties of pilot shortage. Through statistic data, ICAO and Boeing Company are predicting that roughly 8 thousands of new pilots will be short per year. Therefore, to solve this pilot shortage, countries are searching solutions like reducing air route, and extending regular retirement. This study analyzes domestic pilot supply market and compares systems of pilot training between the domestic system and the system of America and Japan. From the comparison, the study has deducted improvements for the role of domestic certification system, ATO(Approval of Training Organizations) operation, and related organizations including the government.



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