실버층 라이프스타일에 따른 건강기능식품 선택속성에 관한 연구

Study on Relationship between Elderly Group Lifestyle and Selection Attributes in the Health Functional Foods

  • 이명숙 (숙명여자대학교 원격대학원 실버비즈니스전공) ;
  • 김숙응 (숙명여자대학교 원격대학원 실버비즈니스전공)
  • Lee, Myung Sook (Department of Silver Business, Graduate School of Distance Learning, Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Kim, Sook Eung (Department of Silver Business, Graduate School of Distance Learning, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 투고 : 2015.11.10
  • 심사 : 2015.12.06
  • 발행 : 2015.12.31


Objective: This experiment is to study how elderly group and their various lifestyles interact with health functional foods, according to their selection behavior. Different lifestyles will be observed closely, as well as how different health conditions and consumer involvements will affect critical decision making in selecting health functional foods. Method: Theories and discoveries from original advanced research were compared parallel to the new study. Results: First, cluster analysis and exploratory analysis were performed amongst different elder lifestyles. Lifestyle exploratory analysis was used for healthy, unique, leisure, and economical-style elders. Cluster analysis was used for material trend oriented, health oriented, complacent oriented-style elders. Health Functional Foods' selection trait Exploratory Factor Analysis showed that product's originality (function, uniqueness, specialty, compatibility, distributor, expiration date), quality (amount, daily dose, visual representation, accessibility, portability, natural ingredients), and popularity (product container, brand image, taste and smell, advertised product, domestic or import, well-known function) were the three main causes. Secondly, the amount of benefits for the elderly group health lifestyle were affected by 'Interest in health', 'Notability of the health functional food', and 'Functionality approved mark'. Specifically, the importance of, 'Interest in health', 'Notability of health functional food', and 'Functionality approved mark' were noticeably high within health oriented elders. Lastly, after examining the data from elder lifestyle's relationship with health functional food selection trait, all three different results showed equal importance. If you closely examine material trend oriented elderly group, selection trait showed distinctively high regards in 'Fundamental Attribute', 'Typical Attribute', and 'Cognitive Attribute'. Health oriented elders showed their distinctively high regards in 'Natural Attribute', and less consideration in 'Typical Attribute' and 'Cognitive Attribute'. Complacent oriented-style elderly group showed less focus on 'Fundamental Attribute', and even less in 'Typical Attribute', and 'Cognitive Attribute'. Health oriented elderly group concluded with above data from the fact that they showed most importance and involvement in health beneficial products that are scientifically proven. Material trend oriented elderly group showed balanced traits in their concluded data, showing that they prefer function, safety, as well as the brand image and their reputation. Also, they consider the products' outer elements, such as design and product name, in order to sense inner functions. Conclusion: So, Silver Business corporations must develop products to fulfill the market demands, and strategize marketing plans to better target the correct audience.



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