Survey of Lifelong Education Field Training Programs and Need Assessment Based on Job Model

평생교육실습 프로그램의 운영실태 및 평생교육사 직무모델에 기반한 요구도 분석

  • Received : 2015.09.23
  • Accepted : 2015.10.26
  • Published : 2015.12.31


This study was designed to analyze the present condition of the lifelong education field training program and to implement the need assessment of field training program based on the job model application. In order to achieve these goals, surveys were conducted through questionnaires and in-depth interviews targeting staffs of lifelong education institution in Busan area. The 115 subjects were analyzed by frequency distribution, the paired samples t-test, and the Borich's need analysis. The result showed that the field training program was poorly executed during the year of 2013 due to deficiency of certified practitioners and systematic guidelines. Also, the most highly demanded tasks were promoting change, networking, planning, developing programs and conducting surveys among various roles of lifelong educators. On the other hand, the need for the assisting and supporting programs were relatively low. Finally, this study concluded the need for developing systematic guidelines and for accrediting as a lifelong education field training institution nationwide. The results of this study would ultimately contribute to enhance the quality of lifelong education field training program.



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