기업 간 협업 네트워크의 창발 : 관계 역량을 중심으로

Emergence of Inter-organizational Collaboration Networks : Relational Capability Perspective

  • Park, Chulsoon (Department of Business Administration, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 투고 : 2015.09.30
  • 심사 : 2015.11.02
  • 발행 : 2015.11.30


This paper proposes relational capability as a main driver of constructing inter-organizational collaboration networks. Based on social network theory and relational view literature, three components of relational capability are constructed and implemented by an agent-based model. The components include organizational capability, structural capability, and trust between a partner and a focal firm. These three components are updated by two micro mechanisms: structural mechanism and relational mechanism. Structural mechanism is a feedback loop in which the relational capability increases structural capability and vice versa. Relational mechanism is a learning-by-doing process in which a focal firm experiences success or failure of collaboration and the experience increases or decreases cumulative trust in a partner firm. Result of agent-based simulation shows that a collaboration network emerges through interactions of firm's relational capabilities and the characteristics of emerged networks vary with the contribution of structural capability and trust to relational capability. Specifically, in case structural capability contributes more to relational capability, the average degree centrality and collaboration proportion increases as time passes and enters into an equilibrium state. In that case, almost every firms participated in the network collaborates each other so that the emerged network becomes highly cohesive. In case trust contributes more to relational capability, the results are reversed. In an equilibrium state, the balance of contribution between structural capability and trust makes an emerged network larger and maximizes average degree centrality of the network.



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