A Study on Mongolia's National Innovation System: ICT as a Pilot Sector for the Innovation System Development

  • Dashdondov, Batkhuyag (Innovation, technology center, National Information Technology Park) ;
  • Nergui, Sonintamir (Department of Management, National University of Mongolia) ;
  • Choimaa, Lodoiravsal (Department of Electronics & Communications engineering, National University of Mongolia) ;
  • Zundui, Tsolmon (Department of Information and Computer science, National University of Mongolia)
  • Received : 2015.06.14
  • Accepted : 2015.09.21
  • Published : 2015.09.30


Innovation system is a framework concept that can be classified in many ways, namely-national, regional, sectoral and technological. Regardless of classification, all these systems have some common features and characteristics as a system. Before the innovation system concept, Mongolia developed and implemented a system to maintain nation's capacity to acquire, absorb and disseminate technologies like other countries. There were two important practices in the system development. Firstly, Mongolia modified and implemented a system "ShBOS" (meant "Invention and Innovative Idea System") that met its unique features to create innovative culture in the nation. Secondly, newly emerged ICT sector was quickly scaled up to be able to export technological products. The main objective of this article is to study modern experience of developing the national innovation system in Mongolia, assess current state of the system, innovation awareness and readiness, and carry out recommendations on its improvement with particular focus on the capacity of ICT sector as a pilot sector. The paper suggests that the above mentioned two achievements can be applied for developing the national innovation system through technological innovation system approach.



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