Standardization Roadmapping: Cases of ICT Systems Standards

  • Ho, Jae-Yun (Centre for Science, Technology & Innovation Policy (CSTI), Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge)
  • Published : 2014.06.30


Despite a commonly held belief that standards obstruct innovation, recent research shows that they can actually play critical roles in supporting various activities of technological innovation. Thus, providing an innovation-friendly environment through standardization has been gaining much attention in recent years; however, there is as yet limited understanding, due to complex dynamics and high uncertainties associated with innovation, as well as a variety of different types and functions of standards with various stakeholders involved. The problem becomes even more challenging for standardization in highly complex systems, such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems, where a large number of domains and components are involved, along with various types of stakeholders. In order to deal with such complexity and variations, a systematic approach of standardization roadmapping has been used in many technology-leading countries as a strategic policy tool for supporting effective management of standardization. Despite its wide adoption, the current understanding of standardization roadmapping is somewhat limited, leaving significant challenges for policymakers and standards organizations in terms of how to structure and manage roadmapping exercises, and how the government should get involved. In this regard, the current research explores existing standardization roadmaps in various contexts related to ICT systems (ICT in Korea, Smart Grid in the US, and electromobility in Germany), as there is a particular need for systematic development of strategies for such complex systems of ICT. Focusing on various aspects of standardization roadmapping exercises such as their structures, processes, and participants, their common features and key characteristics are identified. Comparing these roadmaps also reveal distinct differences between standardization roadmapping approaches adopted by different countries in different contexts. Based on lessons learnt from existing practices, the study finally provides insight for the Korean ICT standards community on the ways in which their standardization roadmapping approach can be improved to support anticipatory management of standardization activities more effectively. It is expected that the current research can not only provide increased understanding of standardization roadmaps, but also help policymakers and standards organizations to develop more effective strategies for supporting innovation through the systematic management of standardization.
