The Effects of Apartment Complex Characteristics on Housing Value - Focused on Apartment complexes in Suseong-gu, Deagu City -

공동주택단지의 주거환경적 특성이 주택가치에 미치는 영향 - 대구광역시 수성구 사례를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2014.08.05
  • Accepted : 2014.11.06
  • Published : 2014.11.30


The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of apartment complex characteristics on Housing value at Suseong-gu in Daegu. Three Multiple regression models based on Hedonic price model are employed as the empirical analysis on housing value with 948 data of the 30 apartment complexes in Daegu. The major findings are as follows; First, condominium complex variables are the most influential factor on housing value in the same level of housing market. the second is locational variables and the last is housing unit variables. Second, 'Area of exclusive use space' of the housing unit variables which include 'Number of layers', 'The direction of the unit', 'Number of room' and 'Corridor type' is the most heavyweight variable on housing value. Third, 'Number of housing unit' and 'Green and Lot area' of the condominium complex variables which cover 'Green area per person', 'Number of parking lots per person', 'Floor area ratio', 'Building-to-land ratio' and 'Heating system' are more important factors. The last, 'The distance of public transportation and Neighborhood park' are the most significant factors in the locational variables which contain 'Number of School and Neighborhood park within a given range' and 'The distance from City center and Big-box retailer'.



Supported by : 단국대


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