A Study on the Architect Kim Sa-haeng from the late Koryo to early Chosun dynasty

고려 말 조선 초 건축가 김사행(金師幸) 조명

  • Received : 2014.08.20
  • Accepted : 2014.11.07
  • Published : 2014.11.30


This study is on the Architect Kim Sa-haeng. But he was generally known as only an eunuch. The result is as concerned. 1st, a lot of construction workss were needed to consult new capital in the late Koryo to early Chosun dynasty. At that time, Kim sa-haeng took the lead in most of the construction work. 2nd, He was an an eunuch who had worked for Yuan Dynasty. Based on his experience, He created a new type of architecture following an old practice, like royal tomb of the Gongminwang. He also organized the 1st Royal Tomb of Chosun dynasty and his architect became a model of Royal Tomb. 3rd, He built Buddhist temple like Jinkwansa Suryuksa and supervised Buddhist ritual in Geunjeongjeon hall. This means that he was anle to design architectures consdering the ritual and culture. Namely, he was distinguished in many different fields. 4th, He was an officer overcame the limitation on status of eunuch. Besides, he won his spurs. Although he was affected by Buddhism, he built a Confucian shrine. And he completed Palace plan, according to behavioral pattern of royal family, servant and vassal. 5th, we've read in documentaries he built an architectural monstrosity with grand sized and spectacular ornament. It means that he created a new type of architecture never seen before.



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