Cancer Pain Prevalence and its Management

  • Arslan, Deniz (Department of Medical Oncology, Regional Training and Research Hospital) ;
  • Koca, Timur (Regional Training and Research Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology) ;
  • Akar, Emre (Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Istanbul University) ;
  • Tural, Deniz (Faculty Of Medicine, Akdeniz University) ;
  • Ozdogan, Mustafa (Department of Medical Oncology, Medstar Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2014.11.06


Pain is a public health problem affecting more than half of cancer patients. Despite the success of the protocols currently used, pain cannot still be reduced satisfactorily in the large majority of patients. In order to improve pain management, all healthcare professionals involved with pain should have sufficient knowledge on pain assessment and treatment, and should inform patients to prevent patient-related barriers. In this compilation, the prevalence values and the treatment methods of cancer pain, and the barriers to pain management have been assessed.



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