분산형 빗물관리시설 적용을 위한 수질정화기능 여재 성능 평가

Performance Evaluation of Soil Media for Water Quality Purification at LID Application

  • Park, Chan Gi (Department of rural construction engineering, Kongju national university) ;
  • Kim, Chun Soo (Research institute of technology, Nature and Environment Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Kim, Hwang Hee (Research institute of technology, Nature and Environment Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Yoo, Sung-Yeol (Heungjin construction Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Jeon, Ji Hong (Department of environmental engineering, Andong national university)
  • 투고 : 2014.06.17
  • 심사 : 2014.11.06
  • 발행 : 2014.11.30


In this study, the water quality purification of new medias which were NPS media, hyugato, mineral stone, charcoal for applying soil media of Integrated Management Practices (IMPs) of Low Impact Development (LID) were evaluated. The influent concentrations of COD, T-N, and T-P were 117.8 mg/L, 17.1 mg/L, and 2.062 mg/L, respectively. The infiltration capacities of NPS media, hyugoto, mineral stone, charcoal, and gravel were $7.1{\times}10m/s$, $7.3{\times}10^{-5}m/s$, $7.9{\times}10^{-5}m/s$, $6.0{\times}10^{-5}m/s$, respectively. All media meet criteria of infiltration capacity as surface soil layer at IMPs which is over $1.0{\times}10^{-5}m/s$. Maximum removal rates of COD, T-N, and T-P occurred at Charcoal with 98 % of COD removal rate, NPS with 78 % of T-N removal rate, and hyugato with 75 % fo T-P removal rate, respectively. For more high removal efficiency of all water quality item, the mixed media which is 4.5(NPS media): 1(charcoal) : 4.5 (hyugato) as volume ratio was evaluated. The infiltration capacity of mixed media was $7.9{\times}10^{-5}m/s$ and met the criteria of infiltration as surface soil layer. The water quality removal efficiencies of mixed media were very high with showing 70 % for COD, 85 % for T-N, and 71 % for T-P. The mixed media could purify the water quality of surface runoff and was recommended to used at the LID site of ground water quality problem.



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