Changes in Teaching Behaviors and Awareness of Pre-service Mathematics Teachers by Using Survey on Self-reflection during Education Practices

반성적 수업 분석지를 활용한 교육실습에서 중등수학 예비교사의 교수행동 및 인식 변화

  • Received : 2014.10.04
  • Accepted : 2014.10.27
  • Published : 2014.10.31


The purpose of this study is to assess the changes that occur to pre-service mathematics teachers by using survey on the self-reflection during their education practices. For four weeks of the education practice period, the changes to pre-service teachers are analyzed from teaching and learning perspectives. The teaching perspective is sub-categorized into lesson contents, teaching methods, and evaluation on teaching, and the learning perspective is sub-categorized into monitoring on learning, support for learning and evaluation on learning. The analysis shows that significant changes occur in teaching contents from the teaching perspective and in all the sub-categories from the learning perspective. Based on the analysis, preservice teachers are suggested to utilize self-reflection programs during their education practices to promote their professionalism in teaching.



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  1. 학교현장실습을 통한 예비수학교사들의 수업능력 변화에 대한 연구 vol.30, pp.3, 2014,