Education environment of modern society is rapidly changing along the usage of various device and development of contents. Learners of diverse age groups and genders are exposed in smart education environment. Thus in order to investigate effective smart education contents production, this study classified interactive types that affect learning satisfaction into CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) based , NCS (Network Communication System) based , and NTS (New Technology System) based . Then we investigated how each interactive types affect immersion, utility, self-efficacy, practicality, and stimulation. The effects were measured according to the learner's gender and age. As the result, interactive types do affect smart education, where male had higher learning satisfaction for CAI based, game type, and wiki type while female had higher satisfaction for relationship establishment type and experience type. Also, for age group, the 10s preferred NTS based, 20~30s NCS based, and 40s and over CAI based interactive type. Thus, if satisfaction levels according to gender and age are considered when producing smart education contents, it may be possible to create educative contents that meet the dispositions of the learners.