A Study on the Labor Inducement Coefficient of Software Industry through Reclassification of the Inter-Industry Table

산업연관표의 재분류를 통한 소프트웨어산업의 노동유발계수 분석에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2014.05.01
  • Accepted : 2014.09.27
  • Published : 2014.09.30


This study proposes the accurate labor inducement coefficient (employment inducement coefficient/hiring inducement coefficient) of Korea software industry by analyzing the inter-industry relation using the modified inter-industry table. To rewrite the inter-industry table of Korea, some previous studies related to the inter-industry analysis were reviewed and the key problems were identified. First, in the current inter-industry table published by the Bank of Korea, the output of software industry includes not only the pure software related output but also the output of non-software section due to the misclassification of the industry. This causes the output to become bigger than the actual output of software industry. Therefore, if the inter-industry table is not modified, the labor inducement coefficient would be overestimated too much. Second, during rewriting the inter-industry table, the output is changing. The inter-industry table is the table in the form of rows and columns, which records the transactions of goods and services among industries which are required to continue the activities of each industry. Accordingly, if only an output of a specific industry is changed, the reliability of the table would be degraded because the table is prepared based on the relations with other industries. This possibly causes the labor inducement coefficient to be over or underestimated. This study tries to correct these problems to get the more accurate labor inducement coefficient of the software industry. First, to get the output of the pure software section only, the data from the Korea Electronics Association (KEA) was used in the inter-industry table. Second, to prevent the difference in the outputs during rewriting the inter-industry table, the difference between the output in the current inter-industry table and the output from KEA data was identified and then it was defined as the non-software section output for the analysis. The followings are the labor inducement coefficient obtained when the output is divided into the pure software section (package software, and IT service) and non-software section. As of 2011, the employment inducement coefficients of pure software section, package software section and IT service of Korea were 8.616, 13.998, and 7.773 respectively while the labor inducement coefficients of pure software section, package software section and IT service of Korea were 7.979, 13.332, and 7.083, respectively.



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