A Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming Model: A Case Study of an LPG Distribution Network

  • Ozyoruk, Bahar (Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Gazi University) ;
  • Donmez, Nilay (Republic of Turkey Ministery of Science, Industry and Techology)
  • Received : 2013.09.04
  • Accepted : 2014.09.02
  • Published : 2014.09.30


Supply chain management is a subject that has an increasing importance due to the developments in the global markets and technology. In this paper, a fuzzy multi-objective linear programming model is developed for the supply chain of a company dealing with procurement, storage, filling, and distribution of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in Turkey. The model intends to determine the quantities of LPG to be procured, stored, filled to cylinders, and transported between the plants and demand centers for six planning periods. In this model, which aims to minimize both total costs (sum of procurement, storage, filling, and transportation costs) and total transportation distances, demand quantities of the main demand centers and decision maker's aspiration levels about objective functions are fuzzy. After comparing the results obtained from the model with those obtained by using different methods, it is concluded that the proposed method can be applied to real world problems practically and it may be used in this type of problems in order to generate an efficient solution.



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