Education System to Learn the Skills of Management Decision-Making by Using Business Simulator with Speech Recognition Technology

  • Sakata, Daiki (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University) ;
  • Akiyama, Yusuke (Letinas Inc.) ;
  • Kaneko, Masaaki (Department of Management Systems Engineering, School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Tokai University) ;
  • Kumagai, Satoshi (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University)
  • Received : 2014.01.25
  • Accepted : 2014.07.29
  • Published : 2014.09.30


In this paper, we propose an educational system that involves a business game simulator and related curriculum. To develop these two elements, we examined the decision-making process related to business management and identified some significant skills thereby. In addition, we created an original simulator, named BizLator (, to help students develop these skills efficiently. Next, we developed a curriculum suitable for the simulator. We confirmed the effectiveness of the simulator and curriculum in a business-game-based class at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. On the basis of this, we compared our education system with a conventional system. This allowed us to identify advantages of and issues with our proposed system. Furthermore, we proposed a speech recognition support system named BizVoice in order to provide the teachers with more meaningful feedback, such as level of students' understanding. Concretely, BizVocie fetches students' speech of discussion during the game and converts the voice data to text data with speech recognition technology. Finally, teachers can grasp students' parameters of understanding, and thereby, the students also can take more effective class using BizLator. We also confirmed the effectiveness of the system in the class of Aoyama Gakuin Universiry.



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