Purpose of this study is to draw policy implications for family resource management's strategies and leisure culture revitalization to Korean baby-boomers. This study review leisure activities characteristics of Korean baby-boomers and find their characteristics' impact on leisure economy. This research analyzed with raw data of "National Research Leisure Activities 2012" in different methods: analysis of frequency, multiple regression analysis, Correspondence Analysis, and etc. As a result, compared to all age groups in Korea, Korean baby-boomers current participation in leisure activities is low, but their expense on leisure is high. Their leisure activities are varied from different genders to their incomes. Especially, baby-boomers, who are on high income, participate in wasteful leisure activities and their consuming behavior will be the mainstream of Korean leisure economy, so economy, which is aiming for baby-boomers, will be invigorated when the economy is more concerned with use values toward time. Particularly, preparing for the retirement of baby-boomers, further researches based on integrated family policy should be considered plans and efforts on encouraging active volunteer works and participation in leisure culture revitalization of Korean baby-boomers.