Korean Security Journal (시큐리티연구)
- Issue 39
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- Pages.185-215
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- 2014
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- 2671-4299(pISSN)
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- 2714-0644(eISSN)
The Changing Aspects of North Korea's Terror Crimes and Countermeasures : Focused on Power Conflict of High Ranking Officials after Kim Jong-IL Era
북한 테러범죄의 변화양상에 따른 대응방안 -김정일 정권 이후 고위층 권력 갈등을 중심으로
- Received : 2014.04.30
- Accepted : 2014.06.18
- Published : 2014.06.30
Since North Korea has used terror crime as a means of unification under communism against South Korea, South Korea has been much damaged until now. And the occurrence possibility of terror crime by North Korean authority is now higher than any other time. The North Korean terror crimes of Kim Il Sung era had been committed by the dictator's instruction with the object of securing governing fund. However, looking at the terror crimes committed for decades during Kim Jung Il authority, it is revealed that these terror crimes are expressed as a criminal behavior because of the conflict to accomplish the power and economic advantage non powerful groups target. This study focused on the power conflict in various causes of terror crimes by applying George B. Vold(1958)'s theory which explained power conflict between groups became a factor of crime, and found the aspect by ages of terror crime behavior by North Korean authority and responding plan to future North Korean terror crime. North Korean authority high-ranking officials were the Labor Party focusing on Juche Idea for decades in Kim Il Sung time. Afterwards, high-ranking officials were formed focusing on military authorities following Military First Policy at the beginning of Kim Jung Il authority, rapid power change has been done for recent 10 years. To arrange the aspect by times of terror crime following this power change, alienated party executives following the support of positive military first authority by Kim Jung Il after 1995 could not object to forcible terror crime behavior of military authority, and 1st, 2nd Yeongpyeong maritime war which happened this time was propelled by military first authority to show the power of military authority. After 2006, conservative party union enforced censorship and inspection on the trade business and foreign currency-earning of military authority while executing drastic purge. The shooting on Keumkangsan tourists that happened this time was a forcible terror crime by military authority following the pressure of conservative party. After October, 2008, first military reign union executed the launch of Gwanmyungsung No.2 long-range missile, second nuclear test, Daechung marine war, and Cheonanham attacking terror in order to highlight the importance and role of military authority. After September 2010, new reign union went through severe competition between new military authority and new mainstream and new military authority at this time executed highly professionalized terror crime such as cyber/electronic terror unlike past military authority. After July 2012, ICBM test launch, third nuclear test, cyber terror on Cheongwadae homepage of new mainstream association was the intention of Km Jung Eun to display his ability and check and adjust the power of party/military/cabinet/ public security organ, and he can attempt the unexpected terror crime in the future. North Korean terror crime has continued since 1980s when Kim Jung Il's power succession was carried out, and the power aspect by times has rapidly changed since 1994 when Kim Il Sung died and the terror crime became intense following the power combat between high-ranking officials and power conflict for right robbery. Now South Korea should install the specialized department which synthesizes and analyzes the information on North Korean high-ranking officials and reinforce the comprehensive information-collecting system through the protection and management of North Korean defectors and secret agents in order to determine the cause of North Korean terror crime and respond to it. And South Korea should participate positively in the international collaboration related to North Korean terror and make direct efforts to attract the international agreement to build the international cooperation for the response to North Korean terror crime. Also, we should try more to arrange the realistic countermeasure against North Korean cyber/electronic terror which was more diversified with the expertise terror escaping from existing forcible terror through enactment/revision of law related to cyber terror crime, organizing relevant institute and budget, training professional manpower, and technical development.
한국은 지금까지 북한의 테러범죄로 인해 많은 피해를 입었다. 현재 북한정권에 의한 테러 범죄행위 발생 가능성은 그 어느 때보다 높은 시점이고, 김일성 정권의 북한 테러범죄 행위는 통치자금 확보라는 목적 하에 독재로 자행되어 왔다. 이후 김정일 김정은 정권 동안 테러범죄 행위를 살펴보면, 비(非)권력 집단의 목표인 권력쟁취 경제이권 확보 등을 성취하고자 하는 갈등이 원인으로 작용하여 범죄행위로 표출되고 있음이 드러난다. 본 연구는 테러 대책의 궁극적인 목적이 장차 발생할 가능성 높은 위협에 대하여 사전예측 대비해야 한다는 측면에 초점을 맞추었으며, 이를 위해 집단 간 권력 갈등이 범죄의 한 요인이 된다고 설명하는 George B. Vold(1958)의 이론을 적용했다. 이에 다양한 북한 테러범죄 원인 중 각 시대별 고위층 권력 갈등으로 인한 테러범죄 행위를 분석하고, 이러한 시대적 흐름에 맞는 향후 대응방안을 제시하였다. 북한의 테러범죄 행위는 김정일 정권 이후, 고위층 간 권력 판도가 시대별로 급격히 변화하면서 세력 쟁취와 이권 강탈을 위한 권력 갈등으로 인해 더욱 심화되었다. 북한 고위층의 권력 갈등이 북한 테러범죄에 많은 영향을 미치고 있음에도 불구하고, 이에 관련된 정보 첩보 수집이 단편적인데다가 미국에 의존하는 등 실제적인 대응이 미약한 실정이다. 게다가 북한 테러범죄에 대한 심각성 및 시급함의 공감도 역시 높지 않아서 체계적인 국제공조가 이루어지지 않고 있으며, 공조 방안에 대한 논의조차 원활하게 진행되지 않고 있다. 더욱이 최근 DDoS공격 청와대 홈페이지 변조 GPS 교란전파 발사 무인정찰기 침투 등 수 많은 테러범죄 행위가 있었음에도 불구하고, 한국은 이 같은 비(非)대칭 테러범죄 행위가 미칠 파문에 비해 그 심각성을 깊이 인식하지 못하고 있다. 이제 북한 테러범죄의 원인을 밝히고 대응하기 위해 휴민트(HUMINT) 테킨트(TECHINT) 등을 통한 고위층 정보 수집을 확대하고, 이를 종합 분석하는 전담부서를 설치하는 한편, 탈북자 등 정보원의 보호 및 감독을 통한 포괄적인 수집체제를 확립해야 한다. 그리고 북한 테러와 관련된 국제협력에 적극 동참하여, 국제협약을 이끌어낼 수 있도록 국제적인 공조를 구축해야 한다. 또한 핵 미사일 테러와 함께 한층 정교해지고 첨단화 되어가는 사이버 전자 테러 전문기술에 대비하기 위해 법령 제 개정 및 관련 기구 예산 등 제도적 정비와 기술을 보완할 수 있는 전문 인력 양성 및 기술개발 등 실질적인 대응방안을 마련해야 할 것이다.