Emerging issues and new frameworks for wind loading on structures in mixed climates

  • Solari, Giovanni (Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (DICCA), University of Genoa)
  • 투고 : 2014.03.19
  • 심사 : 2014.07.20
  • 발행 : 2014.09.25


Starting from an overview on the research on thunderstorms in the last forty years, this paper provides a general discussion on some emerging issues and new frameworks for wind loading on structures in mixed climates. Omitting for sake of simplicity tropical cyclones and tornadoes, three main aspects are pointed out. The first concerns the separation and classification of different intense wind events into extra-tropical depressions, thunderstorms and gust fronts, with the aim of improving the interpretation of the phenomena of engineering interest, the probabilistic analysis of the maximum wind velocity, the determination of the wind-induced response and the safety format for structures. The second deals with the use of the response spectrum technique, not only as a potentially efficient tool for calculating the structural response to thunderstorms, but also as a mean for revisiting the whole wind-excited response in a more general and comprehensive framework. The third involves the statistical analysis of extreme wind velocities in mixed climates, pointing out some shortcomings of the approaches currently used for evaluating wind loading on structures and depicting a new scenario for a more rational scheme aiming to pursue structural safety. The paper is set in the spirit of mostly simplified analyses and mainly qualitative remarks, in order to capture the conceptual aspects of the problems dealt with and put on the table ideas open to discussion and further developments.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Integrated tools for improving the resilience of seaports under extreme wind events vol.32, 2017,
  2. Characteristics of thunderstorms relevant to the wind loading of structures vol.20, pp.6, 2015,
  3. A web-based GIS platform for the safe management and risk assessment of complex structural and infrastructural systems exposed to wind vol.117, 2018,
  4. Thunderstorm response spectrum: Fundamentals and case study vol.143, 2015,
  5. Hybrid simulation of thunderstorm outflows and wind-excited response of structures vol.52, pp.13, 2017,
  6. A refined analysis of thunderstorm outflow characteristics relevant to the wind loading of structures 2017,
  7. Thunderstorm response spectrum technique: Theory and applications vol.108, 2016,
  8. Field Data Analysis and Weather Scenario of a Downburst Event in Livorno, Italy, on 1 October 2012 vol.145, pp.9, 2017,
  9. Observed gust wind speeds in the coterminous United States, and their relationship to local and regional drivers vol.173, 2018,
  10. Wind Loading of Structures: Framework, Phenomena, Tools and Codification vol.12, 2017,
  11. Joint Modeling of the Parent Population and Extreme Value Distributions of the Mean Wind Velocity vol.142, pp.2, 2016,
  12. Monitoring, cataloguing, and weather scenarios of thunderstorm outflows in the northern Mediterranean vol.18, pp.9, 2018,
  13. Bora wind characteristics for engineering applications vol.24, pp.6, 2014,
  14. Characteristics of downslope winds in the Liguria Region vol.24, pp.6, 2014,
  15. Review of downslope windstorms in Japan vol.24, pp.6, 2017,
  16. Extreme wind speed distribution in a mixed wind climate vol.176, pp.None, 2014,
  17. Characterizing wind gusts in complex terrain vol.19, pp.6, 2014,
  18. Aerodynamic loading of a typical low-rise building for an experimental stationary and non-Gaussian impinging jet vol.28, pp.5, 2014,
  19. Directional response of structures to thunderstorm outflows vol.54, pp.9, 2014,
  20. Thunderstorm Downbursts and Wind Loading of Structures: Progress and Prospect vol.6, pp.None, 2020,
  21. Investigation of the Weather Conditions During the Collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa on 14 August 2018 Using Field Observations and WRF Model vol.11, pp.7, 2014,
  22. Characterizing Thunderstorm Gust Fronts near Complex Terrain vol.148, pp.8, 2014,
  23. Damage to transmission towers under thunderstorm winds vol.4, pp.2, 2014,