Traditional Unani perspective of perceived insufficient milk (Qillatul Laban) and Galactogogues: A literary research with recent studies

  • Sultana, Arshiya (Deptment of Amraze Niswan wa Ilmul Qabalat, National Institute of Unani Medicine) ;
  • Rahman, Khaleeq Ur (Deptment of Ilmul Saidla, National Institute of Unani Medicine)
  • Received : 2014.01.10
  • Accepted : 2014.08.22
  • Published : 2014.08.31


The most important reason mentioned for the early discontinuation of breast feeding and introduction of supplementary bottles is Perceived Insufficient Milk (PIM), which is relatively common in women. This is of public health concern because the use of breast milk substitutes increases the risk of morbidity and mortality among infants in developing countries and shortens birth intervals. Thus, a literary search in classical text for aetiopathogenesis, symptoms and treatment of PIM were appraised to implement in contemporary era. The classical Unani texts viz., Al Qanon fit Tib (Canon of Medicine), Al Hawi (Continens Liber), Zakheera Kharzam Shahi, Tarjuma Kamilus Sana, Tibbe Akbar, Akseer Azam, and Kitabul Kulliyat were reviewed. Further certain galactogogue herbs which are in use since antiquity such as fenugreek, cotton seeds, cumin, asparagus, black cumin etc were explored in different search engines on website for proven galactogogue activity. The causes of PIM are abnormal temperament of body or breast, anaemia, anxiety, depression, malnutrition etc. The principle treatment is treating the cause viz., the temperament is corrected by diet and drugs in abnormal temperament, elimination of humour is required in dominance of humour etc. The aforementioned drugs are proven scientifically for their galactogogue activity. The classical texts are having valuable information regarding PIM, which can be implemented in present era. Aforementioned Unani drugs are proven scientifically for with their galactogogue effect, however, clinical trials are scarce. Therefore, further randomized controlled clinical trials are recommended.



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