Seasonal changes in the firefly (Luciola lateralis) were studied in the laboratory to understand biological characteristics. Fecundity varies with seasons; these were measures at $162.0{\pm}8.67$ in the winter, $226.9{\pm}15.84$ in the spring and $166.6{\pm}9.3$ in the summer. Seasonal change also influenced oviposition period ($6.9{\pm}0.59$ days in the winter, $16.1{\pm}1.10$ days in the spring and $8.2{\pm}0.61$ days in the summer). The firefly oviposited every $2.5{\pm}0.22$ days in the winter, $3.9{\pm}0.25$ days in the spring, and $2.3{\pm}0.14$ days in the summer. Oviposition occurred 3 times in the winter, and 4 times in the spring and summer. The number of eggs per cycle was $52.2{\pm}4.56$ and $55.9{\pm}4.38$ in winter and spring, respectively, and was lower in the summer ($42.2{\pm}3.76$). Egg period significantly differed among seasons. The life span of the firefly was $17.9{\pm}0.14$ days in the winter, $19.7{\pm}0.25$ days in the spring and $16.5{\pm}0.43$ days in the summer.
실험실 내에서 계절의 변화에 따른 애반딧불이(Luciola lateralis)의 계절적 특성을 조사하였다. 그 결과 산란 수는 겨울 $162.0{\pm}8.67$개, 봄 $226.9{\pm}15.84$개, 여름 $166.6{\pm}9.3$개였다. 산란 기간은 겨울 $6.9{\pm}0.59$일, 봄 $16.1{\pm}1.10$일, 여름 $8.2{\pm}0.61$일 이였다. 산란 간격은 겨울 $2.5{\pm}0.22$일, 봄 $3.9{\pm}0.25$일, 여름 $2.3{\pm}0.14$일 이였고, 산란 횟수는 겨울 $3.1{\pm}0.17$회, 봄 $4.1{\pm}0.29$회, 여름 $3.9{\pm}0.23$회 이였으며, 일회 산란 수 겨울 $52.2{\pm}4.56$개, 봄 $55.9{\pm}4.38$개, 여름 $42.2{\pm}3.76$개였다. 난기간은 겨울 $25.3{\pm}0.13$일, 봄 $29.6{\pm}0.18$일, 여름 $26.8{\pm}0.09$일 이였으며 부화하는데 걸리는 기간은 겨울 $3.0{\pm}0.28$일, 봄 $6.4{\pm}0.50$일, 여름 $4.6{\pm}0.32$일 이였다. 알의 부화율은 겨울 99.9%, 봄 99%, 여름 100%이였다. 계절별 성충수명은 겨울 암컷 $15.8{\pm}0.15$일, 수컷 $20.8{\pm}0.21$일 이였으며, 봄 암컷 $18.0{\pm}0.31$, 수컷 $21.4{\pm}0.37$일 이였고, 여름 암컷 $16.7{\pm}0.43$일, 수컷 $16.3{\pm}0.74$일 이였다. 또한 성충의 평균 수명을 보면 겨울 $17.9{\pm}0.14$일, 봄 $19.7{\pm}0.25$일, 여름 $16.5{\pm}0.43$일 이였다.