한국철도의 남만주철도주식회사 위탁경영시 특징에 관한 연구

A Study on the Korean Railway Property during the South Manchuria Railway Period

  • Bae, Eunsun (PR & Cultural Affairs Office, Korea Railroad Corp.) ;
  • Chung, Byunghyun (Department of Transportation & Logistics, Woosong University) ;
  • Lee, Yongsang (Department of Railroad Management, Woosong University)
  • 투고 : 2014.07.07
  • 심사 : 2014.07.29
  • 발행 : 2014.08.31


본 논문은 조선철도에 대한 만주철도의 위탁경영에 대한 연구로서, 위탁경영 당시 조선철도는 조선총독부 관할하의 철도와는 다른 형태의 경영형태로 관리되었고, 약 8년후에 위탁이 해제되어 다시 조선철도가 직영되는 과정을 겪게 되었다. 이러한 국경을 넘어선 위탁경영의 방식은 매우 드문 형식이며 특히 사철 성격을 띤 만주철도의 운영으로 새로운 변화도 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 조선철도의 만주철도위탁 특징은 우리나라 철도 최초의 건설과 운영이 분리된 상하 분리모델이었으며, 국가적으로 교통과 행정이 분리된 사례였다. 또한 철도관련 영업영역이 확대되었고 사설철도가 많이 건설되고 운영 되었다. 마지막으로는 대륙과의 연계운송이 더욱 확대되었다. 이러한 분석을 통해 향후 동아시아의 철도운영에 관한 비교 연구와 조선철도의 성격을 분석하는데 주요한 자료로 활용될 것이다.

This paper analyzes Japan's consignment management of the Chosun Railway to the South Manchuria Railway. While Chosun Railway was entrusted, its management style differed significantly from that of Japan's direct management. After eight years of trust management, the direct management of Chosun Railway was returned to Japan. This of beyond border trust management is very rare. In addition, the management of Chosun Railway by South Manchuria Railway, which had an operation style similar to that of a private company, led to changes in Chosun Railway. This research analyzes the four key traits of South Manchuria Railway's consigned management. The first key trait is the initial Korean infrastructure and operation separation model. The second key trait is the international transportation and administration segregation. The third key trait is that it expanded the railway related businesses and led to the establishment of private railway companies. The fourth key trait is that the continental linked transportation was activated. Through analyses, it would be to create a comparative study of the resulting East Asian countries' operations. Furthermore, this research will in investigating the nature of Chosun Railway.



  1. Y.S. Lee, B.H. Chung (2012) A qualitative study of the properties of the korean railway during the Japan colonial period, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, 15(3), pp. 306-314.
  2. Y.S. Lee, B.H. Chung (2013) A comparative study of the korean and manchuria railway systems during the Japan colonial period, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, 16(2), pp. 151-162.
  3. Mantesukai (2007) The 40 year history of South Manchuria Railway.
  4. Chosun Government General Railway (1940) Chosun Railway 40 years Brief History.
  5. Senkokai (1986) Chosun Transport History.
  6. Chosun Government General Railway (1940) Chosun Railway 40 years Brief History.
  7. Senkokai (1986) Chosun Transport History.
  8. Chosun Government General Railway (1940) Chosun Railway 40 years Brief History.
  9. Y.S. Lee, B.H. Chung (2013) A comparative study of the korean and manchuria railway systems during the Japan colonial period, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, 16(2), pp. 151-162.
  10. Senkokai (1986) Chosun Transport History.
  11. Y.S. Lee, B.H. Chung (2013) A comparative study of the korean and manchuria railway systems during the Japan colonial period, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, 16(2), pp. 151-162.
  12. Senkokai (1986) Chosun Transport History.

피인용 문헌

  1. A Study on the Gilhoe Line Construction and the Consignment of the North Korean Railroad by the South Manchuria Railways vol.18, pp.5, 2015,