Development of Simplified Building Models for the Bottom-up Approach to a City-scale Energy Demand Prediction

상향식 도시 에너지 수요 예측을 위한 건물 에너지 모델 개발에 관한 연구

  • 김의종 (프랑스 국립 과학 연구소(CNRS))
  • Received : 2014.02.05
  • Accepted : 2014.03.18
  • Published : 2014.04.25


The bottom-up approach in city energy simulation is one of the key issues for planning sustainable cities. Other than some existing models, developments of sufficiently accurate and rapid building models are mandatory for use in urban energy analysis. From a common building model, a new simplified building model is deduced that has the same level of detail than the initial model. As the balanced realization reduction technique, the main simplification method, is applicable only to the linear and time-invariant systems, the initial reference model are modified in a way that all the non-linear characteristics inherent in the model are linearized with some simplification methods proposed in this paper. Results show that the obtained simplified model is capable of reproducing thermal dynamics as the reference model has. Particularly, the hourly peak load estimation with the proposed model is well matched with the initial reference model. Calculation time required for the annual energy simulation of a single building was less than 1 second using the proposed model.



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