A Study on the Design Strategic of Public Space in Urban Housing for Sustainable Cities - focused on prizewinner of the Europan 11 -

지속가능한 도시를 위한 도시주거 공공공간의 디자인 전략에 관한 연구 - 유로판 11의 당선작을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2014.03.03
  • Accepted : 2014.07.21
  • Published : 2014.08.30


The public space in urban housing, which is planned as utilization of unused area in the inner city has the potential for sustainable city and it can revitalize the whole area. This study is focused on prizewinner of the Europan 11. The design strategy of public space in urban housing for sustainable cities is linked to urban development project of city and local government, which consider the characteristics of local area. And also natural environmental, social, economic factor for sustainability are integrated in the design strategic. It shows up in form of ambiguous boundary between city and public space for reconnecting to urban fabric. The natural environment of local area shows up in form of shared nature and it is integrated in community space for revitalization of local communities. To consider natural environmental sustainability, the transformation by natural rhythm is integrated in exterior space for coexistence of nature and city. The design strategy for social sustainability appears in many different forms in connection with the community programs for the revitalization of local community. For the economic sustainability there are also diverse ideas to reinforce the regional competitiveness with the identification of local specificities.



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Cited by

  1. Urban Sustainability through Public Architecture vol.10, pp.4, 2018,