Control Efficiency for Ginseng Anthracnose by Eco-Friendly Organic Materials

유기농업자재를 이용한 인삼 탄저병의 친환경 방제효과

  • Kim, Woo Sik (Department of Biological Screening, KPER) ;
  • Park, Jee Sung (Department of Biological Screening, KPER) ;
  • Ahn, In (Technical Committee, KEFAMA) ;
  • Park, Kyung Hoon (Ginseng Research Division, Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA) ;
  • Kim, Ki Hong (Ginseng Research Division, Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA)
  • 김우식 ((주)한국식물환경연구소) ;
  • 박지성 ((주)한국식물환경연구소) ;
  • 안인 ((사)한국친환경농자재협회) ;
  • 박경훈 (농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 인삼특작부) ;
  • 김기홍 (농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 인삼특작부)
  • Received : 2014.04.03
  • Accepted : 2014.06.16
  • Published : 2014.08.30


This study was conducted to select and develop effect of eco-friendly organic materials for the eco-friendly prevention of Anthracnose occurred in the ginseng. Anthracnose on ginseng is occurred by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and the crop damage is severe especially from July to August after rainy season. The test results showed that control effect by test products materials on the three years ginseng and four years ginseng field was lower in eco-friendly organic materials than that of chemical pesticide. However, the control effect of bordeaux mixture was higher with 71.3% and 73.8% levels than those of mineral matter, microbial agent, and developed plants extract mixtures (Eugenol, Curcumin, Wood vinegar, etc). On the other hand, three types of developed plants extract mixtures (3 types) showed control effect in a range of from 58.1% to 63.6% against Anthracnose which was higher as compared with plant extract alone and sodium silicate regardless of ages of ginseng. The results of this study would attribute in verifying the control effect of eco-friendly materials against Anthracnose for ginseng through investigating antimicrobial compounds contained in the plants body. Also, it would be used as control method against Anthracnose occurred in ginseng by judging the right control time through monitoring occurrence of disease.



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