P2P 기반의 모바일 노드간의 전술 정보 공유 시스템

A P2P Based Tactical Information Sharing System for Mobile Nodes

  • 이현 (국방과학연구소 대지유도무기체계단)
  • Lee, Hyun (Surface to Surface Missile PMO, Agency for Defense Development)
  • 투고 : 2014.01.25
  • 심사 : 2014.07.11
  • 발행 : 2014.08.05


In NCW(Network Centric Warfare) environment, mobile nodes communicate through wireless link. But wireless link provides limited networking performance due to signal interferences or mobility of nodes. So it is quite challenge to acquire enough networking resources and use the resources efficiently. In this paper, we have proposed a P2P based tactical information sharing system which provides satisfactory visual information playout for mobile nodes(i.e., military personnel, vehicle,..) in NCW environment. Our proposed system consists of two components. One is caching-enabled switch which stores tactical information segments at its internal storage and then transports them to mobile nodes when require. Another is centralized scheduling algorithm which exploits networking resources more efficiently. To validate performance of proposed system, we performed series of experiments in wireless network testbed. Results show improved performance in terms of segment-missing ratio, networking resources usage, sharing time, and number of simultaneous playout mobile nodes with acceptable playout continuity(i.e., over 95%).



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