Supported by : 경북대학교
- Bugni, Valerie & Smith, Ronald W. (June 2002-December 2002 and January 2003), Connections(Series), AIA Las Vegas Forum Newsletter(본문 표1. 참조)
- Bugni, Valerie & Smith, Ronald W.(2002), Designed physical environments as related to selves, symbols, and social reality, Humanity and Society, 26(4), p.p.293-311.
- Smith, Ronald W. & Bugni, Valerie (2006), Symbolic Interaction Theory and Architecture, Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 29, p.p.123-155.
- Smith, Ronald W. (Spring 2006), Sociology 488/688: Architectural Sociology, Course Descriptions-University of Nevada.
- Smith, Ronald W. (미발행 저서), "Architectural Sociology" 의 1장. Sociological Perspective of Architecture.
- 하버트 블루머/ 박영신 역(1982), 사회과학의 상징적 교섭론, 도서출판 까치 (원저: Blumer, Herbert(1969), Symbolic Interactionsm: Perspectives and Method, Berkeley: University of California Press)