Analogizing mutual relation with Pilot House B-type in Seoul and Reclamation House in Jeju Island named Ctesiphon

수유리 시험주택 B형과 제주 테쉬폰 주택의 상관성 유추

  • 박철수 (서울시립대학교 건축학부)
  • Received : 2014.04.29
  • Accepted : 2014.06.30
  • Published : 2014.07.30


This paper investigated the relationship between the B-type pilot house (the Isidore house) by the Korea Housing Corporation in 1963 and the Ctesiphon house that was built as reclamation houses in 1961 and 1962. Both types of houses were built based on the Ctesiphon system for design, construction, and material, which was developed by an Irish engineer and inventor named James Hardress de Warenne Waller, which lead researcher to develop following conclusions: First, the reason for calling the B-type pilot house as Samahn-type was that the company for construction was Samahn Industry. The recording of Sung, Ik-Hwan and Ye, Gwan-Su as designers should be corrected because Ye, Gwan-Su was a retired colonel who founded and managed the company. Second, researchers confirmed that both the Ctesiphon reclamation house of the Jeju Isidore housing by the priest Patrick James McGlinchey and the B-type pilot house of Suyu-dong are built based on the Ctesiphon system for structure, material and construction. Third, the Ctesiphon system, which was widely used in Europe from 1940s, was applied to the Jeju Isidore housing by the priest McGlichey. Then, the Korea Housing Corporation used the system as a reference. This corresponds with the timing of construction and the fact that the B-type pilot house is often called as the Isidore type or the Isidore house.



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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