The Influence Factors on the Adoption of Environmental Management Systems in Korean Manufacturing Firms

우리나라 제조기업의 환경경영시스템 도입에 대한 영향요인 연구

  • Received : 2014.02.11
  • Accepted : 2014.04.22
  • Published : 2014.07.31


This research empirically investigated the influence factors on the adoption of environmental management systems (EMS) in Korean manufacturing firms. In this study, the external factors (cause factors), the internal factors (facilitating factors) and the firm specific characteristics were integrally considered. In the factor analysis, the third item (regional society) of the external factors and the first item (environmental law) of government regulation were confounded with the items of the other factors. Thus, the confounded items were removed. In the second factor analysis, no items were replicated. The results of a multiple regression analysis showed that the influence factors such as government regulation, normative pressure, top management support, environmental strategy and employees' recognition, and ratio of large shareholders have a significant impact on the construction of EMS. However, the effects of the other firm specific characteristics were not statistically significant. We also examined whether both the number of environmental personnel and the allocation of environmental resources, which are directly related with the adoption of EMS, have a moderating impact on the relationships between other internal factors and the construction of EMS. With a subgroup analysis, the moderating roles of the number of environmental personnel were empirically confirmed. Through a multiple regression analysis, the direct effects of the external factors on the adoption or construction of the internal factors were demonstrated. The effects of government regulation, normative pressure and imitative pressure on the internal factors were significant and positive. Finally, in this study, the fact that the adoption of EMS can improve the environmental performance of a firm was also empirically found.



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