하상구조에 따른 4개 하천의 어류 분포 특성 비교

Comparison of Fish Distribution Characteristics by Substrate Structure in the 4 Streams

  • 투고 : 2014.01.20
  • 심사 : 2014.06.04
  • 발행 : 2014.06.30


모래형 하천과 자갈형 하천의 어류군집 특성을 비교하기 위해 4개의 하천을 선정하여 계절별 조사를 실시하였으며, 출현한 어종 중 한국고유종은 Acheilognathus gracilis 외 24종으로 확인되었다. 홍천강과 무주남대천의 우점종은 Zacco koreanus로 각각 39.9%, 28.4%를 차지하였으며, 양화천은 Rhodeus notatus가 13.6%, 갑천은 Z. platypus가 26.0%로 우점하였다. 군집분석 결과 우점도지수는 0.27~0.63, 다양도지수는 1.92~2.67, 균등도지수는 0.6~0.79, 풍부도지수는 3.09~3.53의 범위로 나타났으며, 우점도지수는 홍천강에서 가장 높고, 다양도, 균등도, 풍부도지수는 양화천에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 내성도 길드 분석 결과 하상구조물이 다양한 홍천강과 무주남대천은 민감종이 각각 50.1%와 46.4%로 비교적 높은 비율을 차지하였고, 모래 하상이 높은 양화천과 갑천은 민감종이 각각 0.5%와 5.3%의 희소한 비율을 차지하였다. 하천별 출현한 어류의 종별 개체수와 하상구조를 이용하여 유사도를 분석한 결과 자갈형 하천인 홍천강과 무주남대천이 종과 개체수는 50.4%, 하상구조는 95.2%로 가장 유사하였다. IBI 분석결과 홍천강과 무주남대천이 'A등급', 양화천과 갑천이 'B등급'으로 나타났고, 주성분 분석결과 자갈형 하천과 모래형 하천의 2개의 그룹으로 구분되었다.

This study was conducted to compare the characteristics of fish distribution according to sand type stream and cobble type stream the 4 stream selected every season. The collected Korea endemic species during the survey period were 24, including Acheilognathus gracilis. Dominant species of Hongcheon stream and Muju Namdae stream was Zacco koreanus, each accounting for 39.9% and 28.4% in order, and dominant species in Yanghwa stream was Rhodeus notatus, 13.6%, and those in Gap stream was Z. platypus, by 26.0%. As a result of community analysis, dominant index was 0.27~0.63, diversity index was 1.92~2.67, evenness index was 0.6~0.79, richness index was 3.09~3.53, and dominant index was the highest in Hongcheon stream, and the indices of diversity, evenness and richness were the highest in Yanghwa stream. As a result of tolerance guild analysis, Hongcheon stream and Muju Namdae stream with a variety of substrates accounted for relatively higher rate by 50.1% and 46.4% in sensitive species respectively, and Yanghwa stream and Gap stream with greater sand substrates had 0.5% and 5.3% scarce rate of sensitive species. As a result of similarity analysis using the species, population and substrate structures of the fisheries appeared in each stream, cobble type streams such as Hongcheon stream and Muju Namdae stream were the most similar by 50.4% in species and population, 95.2% in bed structure. As a result of IBI analysis, Hongcheon stream and Muju Namdae stream appeared as 'Class A,' Yanhwa stream and Gap stream as 'Class B' and the two groups of cobble type stream and sand type stream were divided as a result of principal components analysis.



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