This paper presents the optimization of suspension characteristics under the condition of curved track railway vehicles. Reducing lateral acceleration on curved track is an issue for high-speed railway vehicles. In terms of curved track running environments, reducing the lateral vibration of railway vehicles is critical to safety and curving performance. The properties of lateral damping and stiffness of both primary and secondary suspension show effect on wheel-set, bogie and car-body. Analysis for reducing the lateral vibration of rail vehicles with respect to the characteristics of both primary and secondary suspension has been developed using ADAMS/Rail. Response Surface Method has been chosen for the purpose of verifying correlation effects among design parameters. Also, this paper suggests the method for designing optimal suspension of railway vehicles on curved track. The optimization result indicates decrement of lateral acceleration on wheel-set by 3% and bogie by 1% on curved track. Finally, this paper comes to the conclusion that suspension system of railway vehicle (KTX I) is properly designed when regarding lateral vibration of railway vehicle on diverse curved track condition.