Analysis of Elderly Living Situation for the Remodeling of Permanent Rental Housing

영구임대주택 리모델링을 위한 고령자 주거실태분석

  • 한균 (아주대학교 건축학과 대학원) ;
  • 권순정 (아주대학교 건축학과)
  • Received : 2014.04.03
  • Accepted : 2014.06.12
  • Published : 2014.06.30


This study has explored living status of the elderly in public rental housing in order to draw out the remodeling ideas of the rental housing. At first, definition and supply pattern of the public rental housing and elderly living condition have been figured out based on the 2011 Rental Housing Survey by MoLIT. Household compositions, living conditions of elderly residents, requirements for building upgrade and welfare services have been investigated on the selected 3 apartment complexes. According to this survey, proportion of elderly households(living alone elderly 50.2%, 2 elderly household 32.5%) have been proved to be very high and 37.1% of elderly respondents could not walk by themselves, 33.8% of the elderly could not prepare their meals by themselves. Need for the physical upgrade of toilet was very high. Especially threshold, handrail and door width of the toilet were the problematic points. Besides those, there were needs for the elimination of threshold in balcony(26.0%), bedroom door(25.9%), entrance door(24.3%) and the enlargement of width in entrance(16.5%) and outside corridor(16.9%). As for the services, the need for meal service, health consulting service and simple safety service is relatively high. This study shows some implications that basic remodeling, system remodeling and additional remodeling are necessary for the elderly resident in public rental housing.



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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  1. The association of spatial configuration with social network for elderly in social housing 2017,