The use of topology optimization in the design of truss and frame bridge girders

  • 투고 : 2011.08.06
  • 심사 : 2014.05.01
  • 발행 : 2014.07.10


It is shown that topology optimization is a valuable tool for the design of bridge girders. This paper is a follow-up to (Kuty${\l}$owski and Rasiak 2014) and it includes an analysis of truss members' outer dimensions dictated by the standards. Moreover, a frame bridge girder mapped from a selected topology is compared with a typical frame girder on the basis of (Kuty${\l}$owski and Rasiak 2014). The analysis shows that topology optimization by means of the proposed algorithm yields a topology from which one can map a frame bridge girder requiring less material for its construction than the typical frame girder currently used in bridge construction.



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  14. Code 1 PN-85/S-10030, Obiekty mostowe. Obciazenia, (Bridges. Loading).
  15. Code 2 PN-82/S-10052, Obiekty mostowe. Konstrukcje stalowe, Projektowanie, (Bridges. Steel structures. Designing).
  16. Code 3 PN-90/B-03200, Konstrukcje stalowe, Obliczenia statyczne i projektowanie, (Steel structures. Static calculations and designing).

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