Application of topology optimization to bridge girder design

  • 투고 : 2011.08.06
  • 심사 : 2014.05.01
  • 발행 : 2014.07.10


This study deals with the design of bridge girder structures and consists of two parts. In the first part an optimal bridge girder topology is determined using a software based on structure compliance minimization with constraints imposed on the body mass, developed by the authors. In the second part, an original way in which the topology is mapped into a bridge girder structure is shown. Additionally, a method of converting the thickness of the bars obtained using the topology optimization procedure into cross sections is introduced. Moreover, stresses and material consumption for a girder design obtained through topology optimization and a typical truss girder are compared. Concluding, this paper shows that topology optimization is a good tool for obtaining optimal bridge girder designs.



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  13. Code 1 PN-85/S-10030, Obiekty mostowe, Obciazenia, (Bridges. Loading).
  14. Code 2 PN-82/S-10052, Obiekty mostowe, Konstrukcje stalowe, Projektowanie, (Bridges. Steel structures. Designing).
  15. Code 3 PN-90/B-03200, Konstrukcje stalowe, Obliczenia statyczne i projektowanie, (Steel Structures. Static calculations and designing).

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