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- 장원규, 이성협, "국내외 사물인터넷 정책 및 시장동향과 주요 서비스 사례," 동향과전망: 방송통신 전파, 통권 제 64호, 트렌드포커스, pp.24-38, 2013. 07.
- 표철식, 강호영, 김내수, 방효찬, "IoT(M2M) 기술 동향 및 발전 방향,"한국통신학회지, 제30권 8호, pp.3-10, 2013. 08.
- 송재승, "사물지능통신 표준 기술 동향," TTA Journal, Vol.150, pp.84-89, 2013. 11.
- oneM2M-TR-0001, "M2M Use Case Collection," Technical Report, v0.5.0, 2014. 03.
- oneM2M-TS-0002, "M2M Requirement," Technical Specification, v0.6.2, 2013. 10.
- oneM2M-TR-0004, "Definition and Acronyms," Technical Report, v0.4.0, 2014. 03.
- oneM2M-TR-0005, "Roles and Focus Areas," Technical Report, v0.0.4, 2014. 03.
- one M2M-TS-0001, "one M2M Functional Architecture," Technical Specification, v0.4.2, 2014. 03.
- oneM2M-TS-0008, "CoAP Protocol binding," Technical Specification, v0.1.0, 2014. 03.
- oneM2M-TS-0009, "HTTP Protocol binding," Technical Specification, v0.1.1, 2014. 03.
- oneM2M-TS-0010, "MQTT Protocol binding," Technical Specification, v0.1.0, 2014. 03.
- oneM2M-TR-0008, "Analysis of Security Solutions for the oneM2M System," Technical Report, v0.6.0, 2014. 03.
- oneM2M-TS-0003, "oneM2M Security Solutions," Technical Specification, v0.2.0, 2014. 03.
- oneM2M-TR-0007, "oneM2M Abstraction and Semantics Capability Enablement," Technical Report, v0.7.0, 2014. 03.