유통과학연구 (Journal of Distribution Science)
- 제12권8호
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- Pages.55-69
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- 2014
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- 1738-3110(pISSN)
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- 2093-7717(eISSN)
상품라인별 가격결정이 적재효율 및 물류비에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
Study on the Effect of Product Line Pricing on Loading Efficiency and Logistics Cost
- Jung, Sung-Tae (Yuhan Kimberly Inc.) ;
- Yoon, Nam-Soo (Sejong Cyber University) ;
- Han, Kyu-Chul (Sejong Cyber University)
- 투고 : 2014.06.08
- 심사 : 2014.08.14
- 발행 : 2014.08.30
Purpose - Despite the importance of price, many companies do not implement pricing policies smoothly, because typical price management strategies insufficiently consider logistics efficiency and an increase in logistics costs due to logistics waste. This study attempts to examine the effect of product line pricing, which corresponds to product mix pricing, on logistics efficiency in the case of manufacturer A, and analyzes how logistics performance changes in response to these variables. Research design, data, and methodology - This study, based on the case of manufacturer A, involved research through understanding the current status, analyses, and then proposing improvement measures. Among all the products of manufacturer A, product group B was selected as the research object, and its distribution channel and line pricing were examined. As a result of simulation, for products with low loading efficiency, improvement measures such as changing the number of bags in the box were suggested, and a quantitative analysis was conducted on how these measures influence logistics costs. The TOPS program was used for the Pallet loading efficiency simulation tool in this study. To prevent products from protruding out of the pallet, the maximum measurement was set as 0.0mm, and loading efficiency was based on the pallet area, and not volume. In other words, its size (length x width) was focused upon, following the purpose of this study and, then, the results were obtained. Results - As a result of the loading efficiency simulation, when the number of bags in the box was changed for 36 products with low average loading efficiency of 73.7%, as shown in