Dewaterability, one of the important properties of wastewater sludge, was investigated using a simple capillary suction time (CST) measurement method. CST and SRF have a very close co-relation. It was convinced that CST method was quite effective, and compensating the time-consuming SRF of conventional drainage measuring method. It turned out that one could use the results of CST to find optimum flocculants ratio to improve drainage in wastewater treatment for the tissue paper production at a mill. Since the optimum ratio of flocculants could be determined with the value of CST and COD removal efficiency could be improved with precise ratio of flocculants. Thus, using CST for determining the optimum ratio of flocculants could be economical by reducing the amount of flocculants. Dewaterability might be measured within several seconds using the values of CST in a precise way. The dewaterability could also be useful in investigating the optimum ratio of flocculants.