Subject : Kim hong-kyung(金洪卿)'s view of eight extra meridians Object : Kim hong-kyung has not only deeply studied Saam acupuncture but also the function and characteristics of extra meridian at the same time. Especially, he has tried the study to connect yin yang wei qiao mai(陰陽維蹻脈) with Lee je-ma(李濟馬)'s four trigram constitution theory, therefore the author felt the need to make public the theory and started reserch on the theory. Method : I researched the physiological properties of extra meridians through the past eastern medical literature, I reported on the types of people to show well the properties of extra meridians gathering Kum-oh's verbal explanation when I had classes from him. Result : Kum-oh Kim hong-kyung defined meridians as passways of consciousness and feeling, he interpreted 12 meridians and extra meridians with the view of mind, which has very important meanings in the history of acupuncture in the point of first trial to interpret meridians from this view. He explained Ren mai(任脈) and Du mai(督脈) are meridians which show clearly properties of yin-yang to appear trusts of affirmation and distrusts of denial in the mind, as Ren(任) means entrusting and Du(督) means supervising in English. He explained Chong mai(衝脈) is the meridian representing impulsive man that has a meaning of impulse as being suggested the name of Chong mai, because Chong mai is borrowed from Foot shao yin kidney meridian(足少陰腎經). Dai mai(帶脈) is the meridian representing the characteristics of woman that has a meaning of binding as being suggested from the name of Dai mai which acts when people have something on their flank or they are pregnant, because Dai mai borrowed from Foot shao yang gall bladder meridian. He thought that four trigram divided from yin and yang is innate trigram, so Yang wei mai(陽維脈), Yin wei mai(陰維脈), Yang qiao mai(陽蹻脈), Yin qiao mai(陰蹻脈) among extra meridians have connections with Tai-yang ren(太陽人), Tai-yin ren(太陰人), Shao-yin ren(少陰人), Shao-yang ren(少陽人) of Four trigram constitution theory respectively which was created by Lee je-ma. He explained yang means opponents and wei(維) means binding. Yang wei mai is the meridian to be active when opponents bind or intervene in you, also the meridian is well active to the people who easily criticize others who are rude, to the people who well refuse restraints from organization. Because he explained yin means me and wei(維) means binding. Yin wei mai is the meridian to be active when I bind and intervene in opponents. He also state that the meridian is easily active to the people who have a tendency to gather people and make party apparatus by nature. He explained Yang qiao mai is the meridian to be active in the situation that people are waiting for others to bridge gap because yang means opponents and qiao(蹻) which has a meaning of standing on one's tiptoes means bridging gap between people. He also state the meridian is easily active to Shao yin ren who has a tendency to be passive, to easily settle down and not to move by nature. He explained Yin qiao mai is the meridian to be active in the situation that I bridge gap between me and others to make friends, because yin means me and qiao(蹻) which has a meaning of standing on one's tiptoes means bridging gap between me and others. He also state the meridian is easily active to Shao yang ren who is active in every business and who has remarkable ability to make friends. Conclusion : Kim hong-kyung stated the physiological properties of extra meridians as below. Ren mai is the meridian representing positive confidence which is easily active when people have a mind to trust others, Du mai is the meridian representing negative distrust which is easily active when people have doubts. Chong mai is the meridian representing the characteristics of man that has impulsive characteristics. Dai mai is the meridian representing the characteristics of woman to be easily active when she is pregnant. Yang wei mai has close connections with Tai-yang ren who has a tendency to refuse restraints from others and to criticize on opponent's remarks and behaviors that are wrong. Yin wei mai has close connections with Tai-yin ren, as the meridian is active in the situation that people enjoy restraining and intervening in others. Yang qiao mai has close connections with Shao yin ren, as the meridian is active to the people who are negative and passive by nature. Yin qiao mai has close connections with Shao yang yin who has a strong tendency to make friends easily by nature.