사이버농업기술교육 참가자의 특성과 교육효과

Participant Characteristic and Educational Effects for Cyber Agricultural Technology Training Courses

  • Kang, Dae-Koo (Department of Agricultural Education, Sunchon National University)
  • 투고 : 2014.02.15
  • 심사 : 2014.03.10
  • 발행 : 2014.03.30


이 연구는 사이버농업기술교육 참여자의 학습특성과 효과를 분석하여, 적절한 지원방안을 제언하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 문헌연구와 인터넷 조사를 통하여 수행되었다. 이 연구를 통하여 밝혀진 결과는 다음과 같다. 사이버농업기술교육을 수강하는 학생들은 50대와 40대의 대졸수준의 도시출신으로 농업분야 전공자가 아닌 사람들이 다수로서, 월 200-300만원미만의 소득을 올리고 있고, 주로 남성이 농사지식, 개인적능력개발, 담당업무처리능력 개발 목적으로 주로 참여하고 있고, 사이버교육이나 농업에 대한 선행학습경험이 약간 부족한 수준이었고, 학습양식은 구체적-순차적형, 두 가지 이상 복합형이 많았다. 사이버 농업기술교육에서 전반적으로 만족도나 학업성취는 우수하고, 내용구성이나 현업적응도는 비교적 적절한 수준이며, 운영지원과 영향력, 학습과정은 보통수준이었다. 한과목이하 이수집단보다 두과목이상 이수집단이 영향력 평가가 긍정적이었고, 수료증과정과 공개과정 모두를 이수한 집단이 공개과정만 이수한 집단보다 만족도가 더 높았다. 이상의 연구결과를 통하여 농촌진흥청 사이버 농업기술과정에 대한 지원방안을 특성화 프로그램으로의 확대, 지원인력의 확대, 온라인과 오프라인 모임공간 제공, 교육생지역의 농업기술센터와의 연계를 통한 blended learning system 도입, 학습자들의 이해를 돕기 위한 용어와 사전 제시, 흥미유발과 지원을 도울 사이버 튜터 및 인터넷 전화 활용을 제안하였다.

It was main objectives to find the learners characteristics and educational effects of cyber agricultural technology courses in RDA. For the research, it was followed by literature reviews and internet based survey methods. In internet based survey, two staged stratified sampling method was adopted from cyber training members database in RDA along with some key word as open course or certificate course, and enrollment years. Instrument was composed through literature reviews about cyber education effects and educational effect factors. And learner characteristics items were added in survey documents. It was sent to sampled persons by e-mail and 316 data was returned via google survey systems. Through the data cleaning, 303 data were analysed by chi-square, t-test and F-test. It's significance level was .05. The results of the research were as followed; First, the respondent was composed of mainly man(77.9%), and monthly income group was mainly 2,000,000 or 3,000,000 won(24%), bachelor degree(48%), fifty or forty age group was shared to 75%, and their job was changed after learning(12.2%). So major respondents' job was not changed. Their major was not mainly agriculture. Learners' learning style were composed of two or more types as concrete-sequential, mixing, abstract-random, so e-learning course should be developed for the students' type. Second, it was attended at 3.2 days a week, 53.53 minutes a class, totally 172.63 minutes a week. They were very eager or generally eager to study, and attended two or more subjects. The cyber education motives was for farming knowledge, personal competency development, job performance enlarging. They selected subjects along with their interest. A subject person couldn't choose more subjects for little time, others, non interesting subject, but more subject persons were for job performance benefits and previous subjects effectiveness. Most learner was finished their subject, but a fourth was not finished for busy (26.7%). And their entrying behavior was not enough to learn e-course and computer or internet using ability was middle level as software using. And they thought RDA cyber course was comfort in non time or space limit, knowledge acquisition, and personal competency development. Cyber learning group was composed of open course only (12.5%), certificate only(25.7%), both(36.3%). Third, satisfaction and academic achievement of e-learning learners were good, and educational service offering for doing job in learning application category was good, but effect of cyber education was not good, especially, agricultural income increasing was not good because major learner group was not farmer, so they couldn't apply their knowledge to farming. And content structure and design, content comprehension, content amount were good. The more learning subject group responded to good in effects, and both open course and certificate course group satisfied more than open course only group. Based on the results, recommendation was offered as cyber course specialization before main course in RDA training system, support staff and faculty enlargement, building blended learning system with local RDA office, introducing cyber tutor system.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Factors affecting Agricultural Meister College Students’ Intention to use Cyber Education vol.47, pp.1, 2014,