The Localization of Cytokeratin 19 and Vimentin in Sprague Dawley Albino Rat Skin Tissue

  • Kim, Tae Keun (Department of Life Science, Hallym University College of Natural Science) ;
  • Kim, Yong Joo (Department of Life Science, Hallym University College of Natural Science) ;
  • Min, Byoung Hoon (Translational Xenotransplantation Research Center, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Soo Jin (Department of Life Science, Hallym University College of Natural Science)
  • 투고 : 2014.03.12
  • 심사 : 2014.03.27
  • 발행 : 2014.03.30


Cytokeratin 19 (CK19) expressed in epidermis of skin, bulge region of hair follicle, outermost layer of outer root sheath and proximal and distal to bulge. Vimentin is a fibrous protein that localized in cytoplasm of fibroblast and forms cytoskeleton to maintain shape of cell and nucleus. In this study, CK19 and vimentin in skin were confirmed with light, fluorescence and transmission electron microscope. As a result, CK19 was localized epidermis, hair follicles, outer root sheath and nucleus of Merkel's cell. However, vimentin was localized some epidermis, dermis, hypodermis and nucleus of Merkel's cell. The role of CK19 is self-renewal and homeostasis in skin. Also, hair follicle regeneration and hair growth is known to be related. It is supposed that required of structural proteins that make up cytoskeleton is increased. Thereby, expression of CK19 is increased. It is considered that vimentin localized in order to stabilize structure of cell and cytoskeleton of fibroblasts. Also, CK19 and vimentin present in nuclei of Merkel's cell, and to act as a fibrous protein that make up end of a nerve fiber present in Merkel's cell and paracrine function of Merkel's cell.



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