PNF and Movement
- Volume 12 Issue 1
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- Pages.27-31
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- 2014
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- 2508-6227(pISSN)
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- 2508-6472(eISSN)
Effects of the Application of Ankle Pumping Exercise and Elastic Compression Stockings for the Women's Lower Leg Edema due to Continuous Standing Work
장시간 서서 일하는 여성의 하지 부종에 대한 발목 펌핑운동과 탄력 압박스타킹 적용의 효과
- Hwang, Byung-Ha (Department of Physical Therapy, Ulsan College) ;
- Song, Si-Wook (Department of Physical Therapy, Ulsan College) ;
Kim, Soo-Min
(Department of Physical Therapy, Ulsan College)
- Received : 2013.11.01
- Accepted : 2014.01.10
- Published : 2014.03.31
Purpose: This study was to identify the effects of the application of ankle pumping exercise versus elastic compression stockings for the women lower leg edema and pain due to continuous standing work. Methods: The participants were 20 women with leg edema and pain, divided into two group, 10 ankle exercise group and elastic compression stockings group. Low leg circumference were measured before and after work. Ankle pumping exercise group, elastic compression stockings were divided into groups, individual working one week during the arbitration to arbitration and work around the legs before and after retesting were compared before and after arbitration. Arbitration to stop and keep the information a week after the re-measurement of intervention before and after the arbitration and the degree of intervention were maintained. Statistical methods before and after working around the average value of each the legs was repeated measures ANOVA. Results: The participants had edema and leg problems because of their work. The ankle pumping exercise gorup and elastic compression stockings group showed statistically decrease in leg circumference value. there was no statistically value about the lasting effect of intervention after 1 week. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that the application of elastic compression stockings and ankle pumping exercises during the hours of work is effective the relief of edema of lower extremity.