일본의 20-30대 미혼 독신가계의 가계관리 특성 및 가계부 기록의 효과 -인터넷 리서치를 통한 가계부 조사를 이용하여-

Effect of Keeping a Household Account Book on Economic Life of Japanese in their 20s to 30s in a Single-Family Household -Using an Internet survey of household account books-

  • 이수진 (히로사키대학 교육학부)
  • Lee, Sujin (Faculty of Education, Univ. of Hirosaki)
  • 투고 : 2014.01.01
  • 심사 : 2014.01.29
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


In light of today's socioeconomic scenario, life management skills, especially economic life management skills are essential. This study focuses on a household account book as a tool for economic education. This study aims to assess the characteristics of household economic management in terms of the effect of keeping a household account book on Japanese in their 20s to 30s in a single-family household. It also compares the awareness of the change in economic life behavior between before and after keeping a household account book. Moreover, it analyzes the determinants of continuity in keeping a household account book. This Study used data obtained from an Internet survey of household account books by the Institute for Research on Household Economics in Japan. The study sample consist of 1,255 Japanese in their 20s to 30s who kept household account records for a month as well as preliminary and post-survey information about these people. The results were as follows. First, the average annual income of the subjects was at most 3,000,000 yen; their level of financial assets was at most 1,000,000 yen, their economic life behavior became future-oriented after practice of keep a household account book in that they established a budget and savings plan. Second, keeping a household account book had a positive effect on the people that they have budget and spending plans for the next year. Finally, factors that affected the continuity in keeping a household account book included the experience of keeping one from before.



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