ITQs의 도입을 위한 제도적 정비 방안 연구 - 한국과 뉴질랜드의 비교를 중심으로 -

A Study on the System Reorganization for Adoption of ITQs in Korea - Focusing on comparison with South Korea and Newzealand -

  • 투고 : 2013.11.29
  • 심사 : 2014.02.07
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


Although South Korea had managed fishery resources based on elements included in the fishery like fisheries licence, after agreeing on UN Convention on the law in 1999, it became inevitable to adopt TAC that regulates yield. Therefore, currently operating an indecisive system by maintaining the fisheries license system while applying TAC only to some fisheries. However, it became imperative to find ways to improve the current system as it dose not solve problems such as decrease of fishery resources and catch per unit effort, excessive input of fishing boats, rising costs for fishery management, and shortage of fishery population. For those reasons, it is time to review ITQs, which is recognized globally as the most innovative fisheries management system. To adopt the ITQs, it seems necessary to compare how the fisheries act of New Zealand which is currently most successfully operated and Fisheries Resources Management Act of Korea. To do so, in this study, the provisions on TAC of the two countries are compared to analyze the institutional necessity for Korea to adopt ITQs. The following conclusions have been made : First, it will be necessary to gradually expand the species and fisheries for which TAC is enforced, and accumulate correct data on fisheries resources. Second, while forcing traders to obtain license as well, the species and quantity of traded fisheries must be reported separately for cross-checking with the catch reported by the fisheries. Third, the number of observers must be increased and report the species and quantity of the catch to person in charge at the relevant port, and observers must check the report before disembarkation. Fourth, penalty for violating Fisheries resources management act must be enhanced, especially regarding false report of fishery activities and catch.



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