Error-Correcting 7/9 Modulation Codes For Holographic Data Storage

  • 투고 : 2014.02.13
  • 심사 : 2014.02.24
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


Holographic data storage (HDS) has a number of advantages, including a high transmission rate through the use of a charge coupled device array for reading two-dimensional (2D) pixel image data, and a high density capacity. HDS also has disadvantages, including 2d intersymbol interference by neighboring pixels and interpage interference by multiple pages stored in the same holographic volume. These problems can be eliminated by modulation codes. We propose a 7/9 error-correcting modulation code that exploits a Viterbi-trellis algorithm and has a code rate larger (about 0.778) than that of the conventional 6/8 balanced modulation code. We show improved performance of the bit error rate with the proposed scheme compared to that of the simple 7/9 code without the trellis scheme and the 6/8 balanced modulation code.



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