곱셈적 구조에 대한 2, 4, 6학년 학생들의 수학적 사고의 연결성 분석

An analysis of the connections of mathematical thinking for multiplicative structures by second, fourth, and sixth graders

  • 투고 : 2013.10.15
  • 심사 : 2014.02.12
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


This study investigated the connections of mathematical thinking of students at the second, fourth, and sixth grades with regard to multiplication, fraction, and proportion, all of which have multiplicative structures. A paper-and-pencil test and subsequent interviews were conducted. The results showed that mathematical thinking including vertical thinking and relational thinking was commonly involved in multiplication, fraction, and proportion. On one hand, the insufficient understanding of preceding concepts had negative impact on learning subsequent concepts. On the other hand, learning the succeeding concepts helped students solve the problems related to the preceding concepts. By analyzing the connections between the preceding concepts and the succeeding concepts, this study provides instructional implications of teaching multiplication, fraction, and proportion.



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