A Study on the Autumn Season Food in View of Oriental Medicine

한의학 이론에 근거한 가을철 시절식(時節食)의 고찰

  • Ji, Myoung-Soon (Dept. of Hotel Food Service & Culinary Art, Youngdong University)
  • 지명순 (영동대학교 호텔외식조리학과)
  • Received : 2013.12.09
  • Accepted : 2014.02.17
  • Published : 2014.02.25


Objective : Jeol-sik, (festive seasons every 15 days based on sun cycle), refers to both Korean Traditional Festival food(jeol-sik), intertwined between months, and in-season meals(si-jeol-sik) in which the ingredients used are produced in each and one of the four season. I found that ingredients in Si-jeol-sik of Autumn are helpful for strengthening one's life force. Method : The study found that si-jeol sik for fall season has strong characteristic of casting out demons. When making songpyeon(half-moon-shaped rice cake) for Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiviing Day), they are steamed with pine needs spreaded underneath because pine needles are believed to have power in casting away evil spirits. For harvest ceremony, which were frequently held in October, people consumed steamed rice cakes garnished with red beans, which were considered to negate bad fortunes. Result : To prevent respiratory diseases caught esaily in fall due to wide daily temperature difference and dry weather, white good ingredients such as radish, pear, and taro are used. Conclusion : Main fall holidays are Chil-soek, Baek-Jung, Chu-seok. The best feature of Si-jeol-sik for fall season is that they cast out demons. Also, fall si-jeol-sik consist of many white ingredients for protecting lungs.



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